// Fichier SPDO.php
class SPDO
/* Instance de la classe SPDO
@var SPDO
@access private */
private $PDOInstance = null;
/* Instance de la classe SPDO
@var SPDO
@access private
@static */
private static $instance = null;
/* Constante: nom d'utilisateur de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_USER = '*******'; // => nom d'utilisateur exemple 'root'
/* Constante: hôte de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_HOST = '*******'; // => Host de la Bd exemple = 'localhost'
/* Constante: hôte de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_PASS = '*******'; // => mot de passe
/* Constante: nom de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_DTB = '*******'; // => nom de la table
/* Constructeur de la classe SPDO
@param void
@return void
@acess private
@see PDO::__construct() */
private function __construct()
// Nouvelle instance PDO : connexion à la table
$this->PDOInstance = new PDO('mysql:dbname='.self::DEFAULT_SQL_DTB.';host='.self::DEFAULT_SQL_HOST,self::DEFAULT_SQL_USER ,self::DEFAULT_SQL_PASS);
catch (PDOException $e)
echo "<b>Erreur PDO:</b> ".$e->getMessage()."<br />\n";
/* Empeche la copie externe de l'instance
@access private */
private function __clone()
throw new Exception('Le clonage de SPDO n\'est pas autorisé');
/* Crée et retourne l'objet SPDO */
public static function getInstance()
self::$instance = new SPDO();
return self::$instance;
/* Initiates a transaction
* @return <bool> */
public function beginTransaction()
return $this->PDOInstance->beginTransaction();
/* Commits a transaction
@return <bool> */
public function commit()
return $this->PDOInstance->commit();
/* Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the
last operation on the database handle
* @return <string> */
public function errorCode()
return $this->PDOInstance->errorCode();
/* Fetch extended error information associated with
the last operation on the database handle
@return <array> */
public function erroInfo()
return $this->PDOInstance->errorInfo();
/* Executes an SQL statement, return the number of affected row
@param <String> $statement
@return <int> */
public function exec($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->exec($statement);
/* Retrieve a database connection attribute
@param <int> $attribute
@return <mixed> */
public function getAttribute($attribute)
return $this->PDOInstance->getAttribute($attribute);
/* Return an array of available PDO drivers
@return <array> */
public function getAvailabelDrivers()
return $this->PDOInstance->getAvailableDrivers();
/* Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
@param <type> $name
@return <type> */
public function lastInsertId($name)
return $this->PDOInstance->lastInsertId($name);
/* Prepare an SQL statement, returning a result set as PDOStatement object
@param <String> $statement
@return <type> */
public function prepare($statement,$driver_options=false)
if (!$driver_options)
return $this->PDOInstance->prepare($statement,$driver_options);;
/* Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as PDOStatement object
@param <string> $statement
@return PDOStatement */
public function query($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement);
catch (PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
/* Quotes a string for use in a query
@param <type> $input
@param <type> $parametre_type
@return <type> */
public function quote($input, $parametre_type=0)
return $this->PDOInstance->quote($input,$parametre_type);
/* Rolls back a transaction
@return <bool> */
public function rollBack()
return $this->PDOInstance->rollBack();
/*Set an attribute
@param <int> $attribute
@param <mixed> $value
@return <bool> */
public function setAttribute($attribute, $value)
return $this->PDOInstance->setAttribute($attribute,$value);
/*Execute query and return one row in assoc array
@param <string> $statement
@return <type> */
public function queryFetchAllAssoc($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
/* @param <type> $statement
@return <type> */
public function queryFetchAllObj($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
public function queryFetchAllBoth($statement)
return $this->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
/*Close a connection database
@access public
@return <void> */
public function close()
$this->PDOInstance = null;
// Table.php
abstract class Table
/* @var string */
/* Nom de la table */
protected $_name;
/* Nom de la séquence (laisser vide pour auto-gen) */
protected $_sequence;
/* Nom de la colonne de la clé primaire */
protected $_pk;
/* Pour tout sélectionner */
protected $_selection = '*';
/* @var PDO->SPDO */
/* Instance de connexion SPDO */
protected $connection;
/* Constructeur de Table */
function __construct()
/* fonction qui retourne une instance de connexion SPDO */
private function _ensureConnection()
$this->connection = SPDO::getInstance();
* Setup what to select from DB table
* @param string | array $selection
function setSelection($selection)
$oldValue = $this->_selection;
$this->_selection = implode(', ', (array) $selection);
return $oldValue;
* Selectionne une ligne par ID
* @param int $id
* @return mixed array row or bool FALSE if none found
function select($id)
return $this->_statement('SELECT ' . $this->_selection .
' FROM ' . $this->_name ,
array (' WHERE ' . $this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ' = ?', (int) $id))->fetch();
* Selectionne toutes les lignes par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array $where
* @param array | string $order
* @param int $pageSize
* @param int $pageNumber
* @return PDOStatement
function selectAll($where = null, $order = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = 1)
$sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->_selection . ' FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
$this->_appendOrder($sql, $order);
$this->_appendLimit($sql, $pageSize, $pageNumber);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
* @param array $idList
* @param array | string $where
* @param array | string $order
* @return PDOStatement | ArrayObject
function selectInIdList(array $idList, $where = null, $order = null)
if (! ($count = count($idList)))
return new ArrayObject(array());
$sql = $this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ' IN (?' . str_repeat(', ?', $count - 1) . ')';
$where = array_merge((array) $where, array($sql => $idList));
return $this->selectAll($where, $order);
* Fetch id => colonnes paires en array
* @param string $column
* @param array | string $where
* @param array | string $order
* @return array
function fetchPairs($column, $where = null, $order = null)
$selection = $this->_selection;
$this->setSelection($this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ', ' . $this->_name . '.' . $column);
$output = array();
try {
foreach ($this->selectAll($where, $order) as $row)
$output[$row[$this->_pk]] = $row[$column];
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $output;
* Compte toutes les lignes par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array | string $where
* @return int
function count($where = null)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchColumn();
* Calculate sum of values in column $column satisfying conditions in $where
* @param string | array $expressions Either a string (SQL expression to be wrapped in SUM() ) or
* an array (SQL expression => alias,..)
* @param array | string $where
* @return int
function sum($expressions, $where = null)
if (is_string($expressions))
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(' . $expressions . ') FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchColumn();
} else {
$sum = array();
foreach ($expressions as $expr => $alias)
$sum[] = "SUM($expr) AS $alias";
$sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(", ", $sum) . ' FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetch();
* Get SQL clauses: SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...
* @param array | string $where
* @return array ( SQL, BOUNDS )
function getSelectSql($where)
$sql = "SELECT " . $this->_selection . " FROM " . $this->_name;
$bounds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return array($sql, $bounds);
* Insert une nouvelle ligne
* @param array $row
* @return int new row ID
function insert(array $row)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->_name . ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($row)) .
') VALUES (?' . str_repeat(', ?', count($row) - 1) . ')';
$this->_statement($sql, array_values($row));
return (int) $this->connection->lastInsertId($this->_sequence);
* Update une ligne spécifié par son ID $id
* @param array $row
* @return int new row ID
function update($row, $id)
$updates = array();
foreach (array_keys($row) as $field)
$updates[] = $field . ' = ?';
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_name . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates) .
' WHERE ' . $this->_pk . ' = ?';
$binds = array_values($row);
$binds[] = $id;
$this->_statement($sql, $binds);
return (int) $id;
* Update une ligne spécifié par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array $values
* @return int new row ID
function updateAll($values, $where)
$updates = array();
foreach (array_keys($values) as $field)
$updates[] = $field . ' = ?';
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_name . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates);
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return (int) $this->_statement($sql, array_merge(array_values($values), $binds))->rowCount();
* Supprime une ligne spécifier par son ID $id
* @param int | int[] $id
* @return int Number of rows deleted
function delete($id)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_name . ' WHERE ' . $this->_pk . ' = ?';
return $this->_statement($sql, array($id))->rowCount();
* Supprime une ligne spécifié par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param int | int[] $id
* @return int Number of rows deleted
function deleteAll($where = null)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->rowCount();
* @param string $sql
* @param array $binds
* @return PDOStatement
function _statement($sql, array $binds)
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
return $stmt;
function _appendWhere(&$sql, $where)
if (empty($where))
return array();
elseif (is_string($where))
$sql .= ' WHERE (' . $where . ')';
return array();
$binds = $and = array();
foreach ($where as $condition => $bindsPart)
if (null === $bindsPart)
$bindsPart = array(null);
$binds = array_merge($binds, (array) $bindsPart);
$and[] = $condition;
$sql .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $and) . ')';
return $binds;
function _appendOrder(&$sql, $order)
if (empty($order))
return ;
$normalized = array();
foreach ((array) $order as $key => $val)
if (is_numeric($key))
$normalized[] = $val;
} else {
$normalized[] = $key . ' ' . $val;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $normalized);
function _appendLimit(&$sql, $pageSize, $pageNumber)
if (! $pageSize)
return ;
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $pageSize . ' OFFSET ' . (($pageNumber - 1) * $pageSize);
protected function _removeId(&$row)
if (array_key_exists($this->_pk, $row))
protected function _prepareBooleans(&$row)
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
if (is_bool($value))
$row[$key] = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
exemple :
// Fichier Page.php
Class Page extends Table
protected $_name = 'table_page';
protected $_id = 'page_id';
// Fichier SPDO.php
class SPDO
/* Instance de la classe SPDO
@var SPDO
@access private */
private $PDOInstance = null;
/* Instance de la classe SPDO
@var SPDO
@access private
@static */
private static $instance = null;
/* Constante: nom d'utilisateur de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_USER = '*******'; // => nom d'utilisateur exemple 'root'
/* Constante: hôte de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_HOST = '*******'; // => Host de la Bd exemple = 'localhost'
/* Constante: hôte de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_PASS = '*******'; // => mot de passe
/* Constante: nom de la bdd
@var string */
const DEFAULT_SQL_DTB = '*******'; // => nom de la table
/* Constructeur de la classe SPDO
@param void
@return void
@acess private
@see PDO::__construct() */
private function __construct()
// Nouvelle instance PDO : connexion à la table
$this->PDOInstance = new PDO('mysql:dbname='.self::DEFAULT_SQL_DTB.';host='.self::DEFAULT_SQL_HOST,self::DEFAULT_SQL_USER ,self::DEFAULT_SQL_PASS);
catch (PDOException $e)
echo "<b>Erreur PDO:</b> ".$e->getMessage()."<br />\n";
/* Empeche la copie externe de l'instance
@access private */
private function __clone()
throw new Exception('Le clonage de SPDO n\'est pas autorisé');
/* Crée et retourne l'objet SPDO */
public static function getInstance()
self::$instance = new SPDO();
return self::$instance;
/* Initiates a transaction
* @return <bool> */
public function beginTransaction()
return $this->PDOInstance->beginTransaction();
/* Commits a transaction
@return <bool> */
public function commit()
return $this->PDOInstance->commit();
/* Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the
last operation on the database handle
* @return <string> */
public function errorCode()
return $this->PDOInstance->errorCode();
/* Fetch extended error information associated with
the last operation on the database handle
@return <array> */
public function erroInfo()
return $this->PDOInstance->errorInfo();
/* Executes an SQL statement, return the number of affected row
@param <String> $statement
@return <int> */
public function exec($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->exec($statement);
/* Retrieve a database connection attribute
@param <int> $attribute
@return <mixed> */
public function getAttribute($attribute)
return $this->PDOInstance->getAttribute($attribute);
/* Return an array of available PDO drivers
@return <array> */
public function getAvailabelDrivers()
return $this->PDOInstance->getAvailableDrivers();
/* Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
@param <type> $name
@return <type> */
public function lastInsertId($name)
return $this->PDOInstance->lastInsertId($name);
/* Prepare an SQL statement, returning a result set as PDOStatement object
@param <String> $statement
@return <type> */
public function prepare($statement,$driver_options=false)
if (!$driver_options)
return $this->PDOInstance->prepare($statement,$driver_options);;
/* Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as PDOStatement object
@param <string> $statement
@return PDOStatement */
public function query($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement);
catch (PDOException $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
/* Quotes a string for use in a query
@param <type> $input
@param <type> $parametre_type
@return <type> */
public function quote($input, $parametre_type=0)
return $this->PDOInstance->quote($input,$parametre_type);
/* Rolls back a transaction
@return <bool> */
public function rollBack()
return $this->PDOInstance->rollBack();
/*Set an attribute
@param <int> $attribute
@param <mixed> $value
@return <bool> */
public function setAttribute($attribute, $value)
return $this->PDOInstance->setAttribute($attribute,$value);
/*Execute query and return one row in assoc array
@param <string> $statement
@return <type> */
public function queryFetchAllAssoc($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
/* @param <type> $statement
@return <type> */
public function queryFetchAllObj($statement)
return $this->PDOInstance->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
public function queryFetchAllBoth($statement)
return $this->query($statement)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH);
/*Close a connection database
@access public
@return <void> */
public function close()
$this->PDOInstance = null;
// Table.php
abstract class Table
/* @var string */
/* Nom de la table */
protected $_name;
/* Nom de la séquence (laisser vide pour auto-gen) */
protected $_sequence;
/* Nom de la colonne de la clé primaire */
protected $_pk;
/* Pour tout sélectionner */
protected $_selection = '*';
/* @var PDO->SPDO */
/* Instance de connexion SPDO */
protected $connection;
/* Constructeur de Table */
function __construct()
/* fonction qui retourne une instance de connexion SPDO */
private function _ensureConnection()
$this->connection = SPDO::getInstance();
* Setup what to select from DB table
* @param string | array $selection
function setSelection($selection)
$oldValue = $this->_selection;
$this->_selection = implode(', ', (array) $selection);
return $oldValue;
* Selectionne une ligne par ID
* @param int $id
* @return mixed array row or bool FALSE if none found
function select($id)
return $this->_statement('SELECT ' . $this->_selection .
' FROM ' . $this->_name ,
array (' WHERE ' . $this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ' = ?', (int) $id))->fetch();
* Selectionne toutes les lignes par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array $where
* @param array | string $order
* @param int $pageSize
* @param int $pageNumber
* @return PDOStatement
function selectAll($where = null, $order = null, $pageSize = null, $pageNumber = 1)
$sql = 'SELECT ' . $this->_selection . ' FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
$this->_appendOrder($sql, $order);
$this->_appendLimit($sql, $pageSize, $pageNumber);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
* @param array $idList
* @param array | string $where
* @param array | string $order
* @return PDOStatement | ArrayObject
function selectInIdList(array $idList, $where = null, $order = null)
if (! ($count = count($idList)))
return new ArrayObject(array());
$sql = $this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ' IN (?' . str_repeat(', ?', $count - 1) . ')';
$where = array_merge((array) $where, array($sql => $idList));
return $this->selectAll($where, $order);
* Fetch id => colonnes paires en array
* @param string $column
* @param array | string $where
* @param array | string $order
* @return array
function fetchPairs($column, $where = null, $order = null)
$selection = $this->_selection;
$this->setSelection($this->_name . '.' . $this->_pk . ', ' . $this->_name . '.' . $column);
$output = array();
try {
foreach ($this->selectAll($where, $order) as $row)
$output[$row[$this->_pk]] = $row[$column];
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $output;
* Compte toutes les lignes par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array | string $where
* @return int
function count($where = null)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchColumn();
* Calculate sum of values in column $column satisfying conditions in $where
* @param string | array $expressions Either a string (SQL expression to be wrapped in SUM() ) or
* an array (SQL expression => alias,..)
* @param array | string $where
* @return int
function sum($expressions, $where = null)
if (is_string($expressions))
$sql = 'SELECT SUM(' . $expressions . ') FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetchColumn();
} else {
$sum = array();
foreach ($expressions as $expr => $alias)
$sum[] = "SUM($expr) AS $alias";
$sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(", ", $sum) . ' FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->fetch();
* Get SQL clauses: SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE ...
* @param array | string $where
* @return array ( SQL, BOUNDS )
function getSelectSql($where)
$sql = "SELECT " . $this->_selection . " FROM " . $this->_name;
$bounds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return array($sql, $bounds);
* Insert une nouvelle ligne
* @param array $row
* @return int new row ID
function insert(array $row)
$sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->_name . ' (' . implode(', ', array_keys($row)) .
') VALUES (?' . str_repeat(', ?', count($row) - 1) . ')';
$this->_statement($sql, array_values($row));
return (int) $this->connection->lastInsertId($this->_sequence);
* Update une ligne spécifié par son ID $id
* @param array $row
* @return int new row ID
function update($row, $id)
$updates = array();
foreach (array_keys($row) as $field)
$updates[] = $field . ' = ?';
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_name . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates) .
' WHERE ' . $this->_pk . ' = ?';
$binds = array_values($row);
$binds[] = $id;
$this->_statement($sql, $binds);
return (int) $id;
* Update une ligne spécifié par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param array $values
* @return int new row ID
function updateAll($values, $where)
$updates = array();
foreach (array_keys($values) as $field)
$updates[] = $field . ' = ?';
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $this->_name . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $updates);
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return (int) $this->_statement($sql, array_merge(array_values($values), $binds))->rowCount();
* Supprime une ligne spécifier par son ID $id
* @param int | int[] $id
* @return int Number of rows deleted
function delete($id)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_name . ' WHERE ' . $this->_pk . ' = ?';
return $this->_statement($sql, array($id))->rowCount();
* Supprime une ligne spécifié par rapport aux conditions dans $where
* @param int | int[] $id
* @return int Number of rows deleted
function deleteAll($where = null)
$sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->_name;
$binds = $this->_appendWhere($sql, $where);
return $this->_statement($sql, $binds)->rowCount();
* @param string $sql
* @param array $binds
* @return PDOStatement
function _statement($sql, array $binds)
$stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
return $stmt;
function _appendWhere(&$sql, $where)
if (empty($where))
return array();
elseif (is_string($where))
$sql .= ' WHERE (' . $where . ')';
return array();
$binds = $and = array();
foreach ($where as $condition => $bindsPart)
if (null === $bindsPart)
$bindsPart = array(null);
$binds = array_merge($binds, (array) $bindsPart);
$and[] = $condition;
$sql .= ' WHERE (' . implode(') AND (', $and) . ')';
return $binds;
function _appendOrder(&$sql, $order)
if (empty($order))
return ;
$normalized = array();
foreach ((array) $order as $key => $val)
if (is_numeric($key))
$normalized[] = $val;
} else {
$normalized[] = $key . ' ' . $val;
$sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . implode(', ', $normalized);
function _appendLimit(&$sql, $pageSize, $pageNumber)
if (! $pageSize)
return ;
$sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $pageSize . ' OFFSET ' . (($pageNumber - 1) * $pageSize);
protected function _removeId(&$row)
if (array_key_exists($this->_pk, $row))
protected function _prepareBooleans(&$row)
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
if (is_bool($value))
$row[$key] = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
exemple :
// Fichier Page.php
Class Page extends Table
protected $_name = 'table_page';
protected $_id = 'page_id';
作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除
最后编辑: jackxiang 编辑于2009-7-29 14:47