Sun Remote Procedure Call Mechanism
Originally developed by Sun, but now widely available on other platforms (including Digital Unix). Also known as Open Network Computing (ONC).
Sun RPC package has an RPC compiler (rpcgen) that automatically generates the client and server stubs.
RPC package uses XDR (eXternal Data Representation) to represent data sent between client and server stubs.
Has built-in representation for basic types (int, float, char).
Also provides a declarative language for specifying complex data types.
Remote Date Example
From Stevens Unix Networking book.
Running rpcgen date.x generates date.h, date_clnt.c and date_svc.c. The header file is included with both client and server. The respective C source files are linked with client and server code.
* date.x Specification of the remote date and time server
* Define two procedures
* bin_date_1() returns the binary date and time (no arguments)
* str_date_1() takes a binary time and returns a string
program DATE_PROG {
version DATE_VERS {
long BIN_DATE(void) = 1; /* procedure number = 1 */
string STR_DATE(long) = 2; /* procedure number = 2 */
} = 1; /* version number = 1 */
} = 0x31234567; /* program number = 0x31234567 */
Start numbering proceedures at 1 (procedure 0 is always the ``null procedure''.
Program number is defined by the user. Use range 0x20000000 to 0x3fffffff.
Provide a prototype for each function. Sun RPC allows only a single parameter and a single result. Must use a structure for more parameters or return values (see XDRC++ example).
use clnt_create() to get handle to remote procedure.
do not have to use rpcgen. Can handcraft own routines.
* rdate.c client program for remote date program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h> /* standard RPC include file */
#include "date.h" /* this file is generated by rpcgen */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
CLIENT *cl; /* RPC handle */
char *server;
long *lresult; /* return value from bin_date_1() */
char **sresult; /* return value from str_date_1() */
if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s hostname\n", argv[0]);
server = argv[1];
* Create client handle
if ((cl = clnt_create(server, DATE_PROG, DATE_VERS, "udp")) == NULL) {
* can't establish connection with server
* First call the remote procedure "bin_date".
if ( (lresult = bin_date_1(NULL, cl)) == NULL) {
clnt_perror(cl, server);
printf("time on host %s = %ld\n",server, *lresult);
* Now call the remote procedure str_date
if ( (sresult = str_date_1(lresult, cl)) == NULL) {
clnt_perror(cl, server);
printf("time on host %s = %s", server, *sresult);
clnt_destroy(cl); /* done with the handle */
* dateproc.c remote procedures; called by server stub
#include <rpc/rpc.h> /* standard RPC include file */
#include "date.h" /* this file is generated by rpcgen */
* Return the binary date and time
long *bin_date_1()
static long timeval; /* must be static */
timeval = time((long *) 0);
* Convert a binary time and return a human readable string
char **str_date_1(long *bintime)
static char *ptr; /* must be static */
ptr = ctime(bintime); /* convert to local time */
No main() routine in server code. It is in the _svc.c code generated by rpcgen.
Extra level of indirection. bin_date() does not return a long, but returns a pointer to a long. Have a pointer to a string in str_date().
The variable being returned needs to be declared static otherwise it will be deallocated on the stack when the function returns.
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 1 >ls
date.x dateproc.c rdate.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 2 >rpcgen date.x
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 3 >ls
date.h date_clnt.c dateproc.c
date.x date_svc.c rdate.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 4 >cc -o rdate rdate.c date_clnt.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 5 >cc -o dateproc dateproc.c date_svc.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 6 >dateproc&
[1] 17940
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 7 >rdate wpi
time on host wpi = 954778980
time on host wpi = Mon Apr 3 12:23:00 2000
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Date 8 >exit
What happens with these processes:
Server process creates a UDP socket and binds to a local port. It calls svc_register() routine to register its program number and version with the local port mapper process. This process should have been started as a daemon at system boot time. Server then waits for requests.
Client program contacts the port mapper on the designated machine using UDP. Gets port number for the server process.
Client program calls the client stub for the remote procedure (first bin_date_1() and then str_date_1. Defaults for how long to wait, how many times to retry, etc.
Remote Message Printing Example
Adaptation of the sample program in the rpcgen Programming Guide. Changes:
Server output sent to stdout rather than console.
ANSI C style function declaration rather than classic C style.
* msg.x Remote message printing protocol
int PRINTMESSAGE(string) = 1;
} = 1;
} = 0x20000099;
* rprintmsg.c remote printing version of "printmsg.c"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h> /* always needed */
#include "msg.h" /* msg.h wil be generated by rpcgen */
main(int argc, char *argv[])
int *result;
char *server;
char *message;
if (argc != 3) {
"usage %s host message\n",argv[0]);
server = argv[1];
message = argv[2];
/* Creare client handle for calling MESSAGEPROG on the server
* designated on the command line. We tell the RPC package
* to use the tcp protocol when contacting the server.
cl = clnt_create(server, MESSAGEPROG, MESSAGEVERS, "tcp");
if (cl == NULL) {
* Couldn't establish connection with server.
* Print error message and die.
* Call the remote procedure "printmessage" on the server.
result = printmessage_1(&message, cl);
if (result == NULL) {
* An error occurred while calling the server.
* Print error message and die
clnt_perror(cl, server);
* Okay, we successfully called the remote procedure
if (*result == 0) {
* Server was unable to print our message.
* Print error message and die.
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s couldn't print your message\n",
argv[0], server);
* Message got printed at server
printf("Message delivered to %s!\n", server);
* msg_proc.c implementation of the remote procedure call "printmessage"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h> /* always needed */
#include "msg.h" /* msg.h will be generated by rpcgen */
* Remote version of "printmessage"
int * printmessage_1(char **msg)
static int result; /* must be static! */
printf("%s\n", *msg);
result = 1;
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 1 >ls
msg.x msg_proc.c rprintmsg.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 2 >rpcgen msg.x
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 3 >ls
msg.h msg_clnt.c msg_svc.c
msg.x msg_proc.c rprintmsg.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 4 >cc -o msg_server msg_proc.c msg_svc.c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 5 >cc -o rprintmsg rprintmsg.c msg_clnt. c
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 6 >./msg_server&
[1] 23501
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 7 >./rprintmsg wpi "Hello wpi!"
Hello wpi!
Message delivered to wpi!
< wpi /cs/cs4513/public/example/Message 8 >Hello from sequoia
Hello from crane, a Sun
Hello from emu, a Linux machine
Note that the client was run on a different types of machines all sending a message to server running on wpi machine.
XDR/C++ Example
* testxdr.x
* Define a procedure
* str_test_1() takes a structure parameter and returns a string
struct testxdr{
long long_arg;
string string_arg < 128 >;
program TEST_PROG {
version TEST_VERS {
string STR_TEST(testxdr) = 1; /* procedure number = 1 */
} = 1; /* version number = 1 */
} = 0x31234567; /* program number = 0x31234567 */
So here is an example of how to pass multiple arguments. A long and a string in a single argument. Note that rpcgen will create another file testxdr_xdr.c that must be compiled and linked.
/* client.C */
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
extern "C" {
#include "testxdr.h"
main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *server;
char **sresult;
if (argc !=2){
cerr <<"usage:" << argv[0] <<" hostname\n";
server = argv[1];
if ((c1 = clnt_create(server, TEST_PROG, TEST_VERS, "udp")) == NULL){
testxdr xdrmessage; //structure testxdr defined in testxdr.x
long temp_long = 1;
char *temp_str = "Client is testing";
//initialize xdrmessage
xdrmessage.long_arg = temp_long;
xdrmessage.string_arg = temp_str;
if ((sresult = str_test_1(&xdrmessage, c1)) == NULL){
clnt_perror(c1, server);
cout << "Client call server successfully\n ";
cout << "Server send message back:\n " << server << " = " <<*sresult<<"\n";
//server.C remote procedures; called by server stub
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h> //* standard RPC include file */
extern "C"{
#include "testxdr.h"
} //* this file is generated by rpcgen */
* Accept and print out client message and return a server string
char **str_test_1(testxdr *xdrm)
static char *ptr = "Server say Hi to client!"; /* must be static */
cout << "Message from client: "<< xdrm->string_arg << "\n";
%rpcgen testxdr.x
%cc -c *.c
%g++ -o server server.C testxdr_xdr.o testxdr_svc.o
%g++ -o client client.C testxdr_xdr.o testxdr_clnt.o
Sun RPC Summary
Parameter passing: single argument passed and received (must use structures for more).
Binding: done through port mapper daemon process. Must know remote server name.
Transport protocol: Can use either UDP or TCP, Total size of arguments must be less than 8192 bytes for UDP. rpcgen defaults to UDP.
Exception handling: If UDP is used and the client times it then it resends the request. If TCP is used and an error occurs then the request is not resent.
Data representation: uses XDR.
Security. Set cl->cl_auth = (3 basic types). :
AUTH_NULL. null authentification (default)
AUTH_SYS. Unix authentification causes following fields to be included with each RPC request: time stamp, name of the local host, Default used by NFS (network file system). client's effective user id, list of all client groups.
AUTH_DES. exchanges secure information using DES (data encryption standard) for standard. Also AUTH_KERBEROS.
More information in the way of Internet drafts:
RPC: RFC1057
XDR: RFC1014
Look at
作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除