mysql> desc record_cache;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| mc_key | varchar(2) | NO | MUL | | |
| mc_value | mediumtext | NO | | | |
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| mc_key | varchar(2) | NO | MUL | | |
| mc_value | mediumtext | NO | | | |
class VMc
private $db;
public function __construct()
$this->db = new MysqlPdo ( );
public function vMcSet($mcKey, $mcValue)
$mcValue ['ctime'] = time ();
$data ['mc_value'] = serialize ( $mcValue );
$data ['mc_key'] = $mcKey;
if ($this->db->Insert ( 'record_cache', $data ))
return true;
return false;
return false;
public function vMcGet($mcKey)
$sql = "SELECT mc_value FROM record_cache WHERE mc_key = '$mcKey '";
$bRet = $this->db->Select ( $sql );
if ($bRet)
$res = $this->db->Fetch ();
if ($res)
$res = unserialize ( $res ['mc_value'] );
return $res;
return false;
public function flushCache()
$db = $this->db->ConnectM ();
$sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE record_cache';
if ($db->query ( $sql ))
return true;
return false;
class VMc
private $db;
public function __construct()
$this->db = new MysqlPdo ( );
public function vMcSet($mcKey, $mcValue)
$mcValue ['ctime'] = time ();
$data ['mc_value'] = serialize ( $mcValue );
$data ['mc_key'] = $mcKey;
if ($this->db->Insert ( 'record_cache', $data ))
return true;
return false;
return false;
public function vMcGet($mcKey)
$sql = "SELECT mc_value FROM record_cache WHERE mc_key = '$mcKey '";
$bRet = $this->db->Select ( $sql );
if ($bRet)
$res = $this->db->Fetch ();
if ($res)
$res = unserialize ( $res ['mc_value'] );
return $res;
return false;
public function flushCache()
$db = $this->db->ConnectM ();
$sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE record_cache';
if ($db->query ( $sql ))
return true;
return false;
public function GetRandomRecord(&$current, $page = 1, $offset = 20)
$total = 200;
$vMc = new VMc ( );
$mcValues = $vMc->vMcGet ( $page );
if (! empty ( $mcValues ))
if (time () - $mcValues ['ctime'] <= 1800)
$current ['count'] = $mcValues ['count'];
unset ( $mcValues ['count'], $mcValues ['ctime'] );
foreach ( $mcValues as $k => $v )
if (! empty ( $v ))
$current ['record'] [$k] = $v;
return true;
$current ['count'] = $total;
$start = $offset * ($page - 1);
$sql = "select * from record where status = 0 order by ctime desc limit " . $total;
$bRet = $this->db->Select ( $sql );
if ($bRet)
//fetch the result
$res = $this->db->FetchAll ();
//if mc is open put them into memcache
if (count ( $res ) < 200)
$current ['count'] = count ( $res );
$tp = ceil ( count ( $res ) / $offset );
$tmp = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $tp; $i ++)
$cp = $i + 1;
$kstart = $i * $offset;
$pagerec = array_slice ( $res, $kstart, $offset );
$pagerec ['count'] = $current ['count'];
if ($cp == 1)
if ($vMc->flushCache ())
$tmp = 1;
if ($tmp == 1)
$vMc->vMcSet ( $cp, $pagerec );
/* if($this->mcobj){
$this->mcobj->set('RANDOM_RECORD_' . $cp , $pagerec ,false ,60*30);
//set the return data
if ($cp == $page)
$current ['record'] = array_slice ( $res, $start, $offset );
return true;
$total = 200;
$vMc = new VMc ( );
$mcValues = $vMc->vMcGet ( $page );
if (! empty ( $mcValues ))
if (time () - $mcValues ['ctime'] <= 1800)
$current ['count'] = $mcValues ['count'];
unset ( $mcValues ['count'], $mcValues ['ctime'] );
foreach ( $mcValues as $k => $v )
if (! empty ( $v ))
$current ['record'] [$k] = $v;
return true;
$current ['count'] = $total;
$start = $offset * ($page - 1);
$sql = "select * from record where status = 0 order by ctime desc limit " . $total;
$bRet = $this->db->Select ( $sql );
if ($bRet)
//fetch the result
$res = $this->db->FetchAll ();
//if mc is open put them into memcache
if (count ( $res ) < 200)
$current ['count'] = count ( $res );
$tp = ceil ( count ( $res ) / $offset );
$tmp = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $tp; $i ++)
$cp = $i + 1;
$kstart = $i * $offset;
$pagerec = array_slice ( $res, $kstart, $offset );
$pagerec ['count'] = $current ['count'];
if ($cp == 1)
if ($vMc->flushCache ())
$tmp = 1;
if ($tmp == 1)
$vMc->vMcSet ( $cp, $pagerec );
/* if($this->mcobj){
$this->mcobj->set('RANDOM_RECORD_' . $cp , $pagerec ,false ,60*30);
//set the return data
if ($cp == $page)
$current ['record'] = array_slice ( $res, $start, $offset );
return true;
作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除