这是一位在加拿大学computer science的朋友的本学期的一个小组作业,以下是题目与要求原文,这位朋友正在读大二。请问中国的大二学生作过这些吗?这就是中国和国外的教育差别。国外讲究合作与team work,从一个项目到手一开始就要通盘考虑,并分配任务,而且在整个大学学习期间,不求每个人做得最好,但都要有概念,都要养成良好的习惯。请问中国的大学生毕业之后有几个有这些能力的?也没有几个大学应届毕业生能够从整体上和全局方面考虑一个问题的,而往往通过自己的想象与所谓的经验来解决问题。由于在上学的时候没有训练思维与合作,结果就是一个个水平参差不齐。国外程序员的个人水平不一定高,但是他只要一个人水平高,并有驾驭全局的能力,基本上就能将一个项目带上正途。而中国的程序员总是想一个人全搞定,结果是你的能力限制了你的成果。中国的程序员还经常是从一开始写程序的时候就没有一点规划与设计,一上来就写;还有就是写程序的时候完全不考虑扩展和接口友好等问题,其实就是无合作精神的一种典型表现;另外,就是中国的程序员写作凭经验,而很少有人用理论指导实践的,结果就是最后得到同样的结果,凭经验的人要花更长的时间才能找到最合理的方法,而即使用了相同的方法,凭经验的人也对为什么只是似懂非懂或是事后诸葛亮。这些都是中国程序员存在的极大问题,总之就是从一开始学习的时候就只会啃书本,而不是成体系地并结合实践来学习,在国内也不会形成一个竞争气氛与紧迫感,因为国内除了几次考试外,别的都不重要,而在北美,平时的作业占的比重可到一半以上,因此平时的作业做好了,不但学到了东西,也保证了成绩。中国的教育方式有他自己的一些特点与优点,但是在培养学生的自主性、创造性与合作性方面实在是做得太差了,而且很多地方也不公平,导致了是为上学而上学,而不是为学习去学习。
其实下面的问题很简单,一个人做根本不用那么复杂,但是让一组人来协调地做,还真不是那么简单的事,要有一个有分析头脑的人做leader,要有人专门负责写文档,有人测试什么的。对了,这门课好象就是software engineering,软件工程,好象中国是不学的吧,至少我那时没学。
------------------ 这是这位朋友本周要做的任务 ----------------
- 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies.
What do you assume the client to do/act/want, and what you depend on to produce a final result. Its design phases for everyone.
---------------------- 以下是原题目 ---------------------------
Dominion Pizza Store
• Objectives:
o Dominion Pizza Store (DPS) is planning an information system for their services. A customer may make an order through the Internet / Phone / in-person. The order may include several products. There are a few basic sorts of pizzas, which can be complemented with different toppings. The assortment and the toppings change from time to time, as do their prices. In addition to pizzas, other products are on offer. They are divided into product groups. There is a textual description of every product, and a picture of some of them, which the client may see when ordering through the WWW.
o A bill will accompany each delivery. The price will be discounted according to time, if the delivery is late; for example, 45-minute delivery or FREE. The price of a product may, also, differ according to the time of day, for example. The time and place of delivery is set when the customer makes the order.
o For an online / phone order, the customer is identified by his/her telephone number, or other contact information. A delivery status time stamp (i.e. to kitchen, to delivery, and to customer) is registered for each delivery. The client may cancel or change the order only if the order has not gone to the kitchen. For an online/phone order, customer's information is checked in the database for an existing, or new client. If the client is new then take and store contact details. For an existing client (or address), past history will be checked for any problems.
• Main Modules:
1. Client Interface
Browsing the Products, and their Prices
Making an order
Delivery time stamping
2. Agent Interface (Phone / in-person orders)
Entering Agent Info (e.g. ID)
Browsing the Products, and their Prices
Delivery time stamping
Checking past history (for any problems, and/or past frequent orders for either quick order taking or special offers)
3. Inventory Management
Food supplies
Misc. supplies (e.g. Cleaning)
Entering and maintaining product information (inc. pricing) in the database
4. Finances Management
Account Receivables
Account Payables
5. Delivery Management
Order Status (i.e. to kitchen - when, to delivery - when)
Special offers (e.g. late order, new product introduction)
Printing an order list - for kitchen (?)
Printing a receipt
6. Payroll
Employee Information (e.g. Contact Info, Salary Info, Bonuses, Taxes, GST/PST)
Hiring / Firing / Training etc.
7. Anything you may suggest (will be considered towards the Bonus Marks for the best project, if above modules done reasonably well
其实下面的问题很简单,一个人做根本不用那么复杂,但是让一组人来协调地做,还真不是那么简单的事,要有一个有分析头脑的人做leader,要有人专门负责写文档,有人测试什么的。对了,这门课好象就是software engineering,软件工程,好象中国是不学的吧,至少我那时没学。
------------------ 这是这位朋友本周要做的任务 ----------------
- 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies.
What do you assume the client to do/act/want, and what you depend on to produce a final result. Its design phases for everyone.
---------------------- 以下是原题目 ---------------------------
Dominion Pizza Store
• Objectives:
o Dominion Pizza Store (DPS) is planning an information system for their services. A customer may make an order through the Internet / Phone / in-person. The order may include several products. There are a few basic sorts of pizzas, which can be complemented with different toppings. The assortment and the toppings change from time to time, as do their prices. In addition to pizzas, other products are on offer. They are divided into product groups. There is a textual description of every product, and a picture of some of them, which the client may see when ordering through the WWW.
o A bill will accompany each delivery. The price will be discounted according to time, if the delivery is late; for example, 45-minute delivery or FREE. The price of a product may, also, differ according to the time of day, for example. The time and place of delivery is set when the customer makes the order.
o For an online / phone order, the customer is identified by his/her telephone number, or other contact information. A delivery status time stamp (i.e. to kitchen, to delivery, and to customer) is registered for each delivery. The client may cancel or change the order only if the order has not gone to the kitchen. For an online/phone order, customer's information is checked in the database for an existing, or new client. If the client is new then take and store contact details. For an existing client (or address), past history will be checked for any problems.
• Main Modules:
1. Client Interface
Browsing the Products, and their Prices
Making an order
Delivery time stamping
2. Agent Interface (Phone / in-person orders)
Entering Agent Info (e.g. ID)
Browsing the Products, and their Prices
Delivery time stamping
Checking past history (for any problems, and/or past frequent orders for either quick order taking or special offers)
3. Inventory Management
Food supplies
Misc. supplies (e.g. Cleaning)
Entering and maintaining product information (inc. pricing) in the database
4. Finances Management
Account Receivables
Account Payables
5. Delivery Management
Order Status (i.e. to kitchen - when, to delivery - when)
Special offers (e.g. late order, new product introduction)
Printing an order list - for kitchen (?)
Printing a receipt
6. Payroll
Employee Information (e.g. Contact Info, Salary Info, Bonuses, Taxes, GST/PST)
Hiring / Firing / Training etc.
7. Anything you may suggest (will be considered towards the Bonus Marks for the best project, if above modules done reasonably well
作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除