on this host the function 'date("g")' don't work properly. Now, the function should return 13, but return 7. It has a delay of 6 hours.
Someone can help me?
It probably gets the server timezone, GMT -8
Would setting time zone work in one of your global configuration files?
For example setting time zone to Brisbane, Australia
PHP Code:
Someone can help me?
It probably gets the server timezone, GMT -8
Would setting time zone work in one of your global configuration files?
For example setting time zone to Brisbane, Australia
PHP Code:
作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除
2012-7-24 07:33 | hxngb4ff
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