Raspberry Pi sous vide water bath,Improved temperature control for Raspberry Pi sous vide。

jackxiang 2013-8-19 20:42 | |
I’ve been very happy with the results from my Raspberry Pi controlled water bath for sous vide cooking, but I knew that the control loop could be improved. Past runs show fairly continued oscillation:
Roast beef temps2
Roast beef run at 60C
I’ve been keeping track of the average power for my control loop, which has been coming out at 22%. So i modified the code to have a bias of 22%, and here’s the result:
Test run at 55C
Test run at 55C
Overall much more stable. The occasional hiccups are probably caused by the remote socket failing to receive off commands. There’s a 3C overshoot at the start, which I hope to have fixed by entering the control loop from initial warm up 3C earlier.

Temperature control for a sous vide water bath is a popular application for hobbyist microcontroller kits, with lots of well documented projects out there. My favourite is the Sous Vader – if only for the attention to detail in the decal on the box.
I’ve been planning my own for a little while, and got some DS18B20 temperature probes a little while ago. The long Easter weekend break finally brought me some time to progress the project.
Danger – High Voltage
I have an old slow cooker that’s perfectly good for doing pot roast. It’s been falling to bits for some time, and I’ve patched it up with a Sugru sample I got at Monkigras. I had thoughts of hacking it directly (and perhaps even building in a Raspberry Pi), but common sense took hold and I decided on a route that didn’t involve directly manipulating mains electricity.
To turn the slow cooker on and off I got hold of a radio controlled mains socket from Maplin – they’re available without the controller (which I didn’t need) for £7.99.
I found a library to control the remote socket on github – Raspberry Strogonanoff (thanks Duncan McGregor, and a clever choice of project name). This uses a Sparkfun 434MHz RF Link Transmitter (which as suggested by Duncan I got from Protopic).
Getting Raspberry Strogonanoff working was the easier part of the whole set up. Having looked at the socket to establish that it was set to channel 4 button 1 I simply ran this line to turn it on:
sudo ./strogonanoff_sender.py --channel 4 --button 1 --gpio 0 on
and this to turn it off again:
sudo ./strogonanoff_sender.py --channel 4 --button 1 --gpio 0 off
Getting control
A water bath is a good example of a control system. The water and pot collectively have quite a high specific heat capacity, and there’s quite a bit of latency between turning off power and the rise in temperature stopping. The standard way of dealing with this is to use a PID Controller (see this explanation for a BBQ application for something more straightforward than the Wikipedia article). The Sous Vader seems to have worked with just a PI controller (effectively D=0), so I tried that first. There is a python implementation of a PID controller, which I didn’t spend the time to integrate.
Tuning the control loop
This is the tricky and time consuming part. In theory there should be a nice library out there that figures out correct settings for P, I and D based on observed data, but in practice it seems that most people resort to manual tuning.
The hardware
I started out with things on a breadboard using my usual home made Pi Cobbler, but as I want to use this in the kitchen I’ve created a more permanent setup using a Ciseco Slice of Pi, which at £3.90  is a very inexpensive small project board. I used one of the header strips in the Slice of Pi kit as a place to plug in the 434MHz transceiver and the temperature probes (so it would be easy to use parts in other projects). It was then simply a case of soldering some connecting wires to the appropriate power (5v for the transceiver and 3.3v for the DS18B20), GPIO (0 for the transceiver and 7 for the DS18B20) and GND:
The system pictured above has an Edimax WiFi dongle so that I can control and monitor the whole thing when it’s in the kitchen..
The software
Update 14 Apr 2013 – the code (slightly improved over what’s below) is now available on GitHub along with (hopefully comprehensive) installation instructions.
It’s not especially pretty, but seems to be doing the job:

I’ve not had the chance to use the water bath for cooking yet, but I’m very much looking forward to trying out a few steaks and maybe some Sunday roasts. I’ll report back on the results.
(1)Raspberry Pi PWM编写的方法:

作者:jackxiang@向东博客 专注WEB应用 构架之美 --- 构架之美,在于尽态极妍 | 应用之美,在于药到病除

最后编辑: jackxiang 编辑于2013-8-19 20:44




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